Lynzay Legois Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lynzay and the Summer school bus 2006
Lynzay and the Summer school bus 2006
After the first day of summer school 2006 I asked Lynzay “How was School today?” Lynzay proceeded to tell me me a girl had hit her on the summer school bus… I asked, “Why? She said, “Because she was mad at me!” I asked Lynzay, “How do you know she was mad at you?”
She said, “Because she had a mean look on her face!” I asked her, “Did you smile back?” She said, “No.” Oh I said, “Try sitting in the front of the bus by the driver to avoid her.”
Lynzay said, “No Daddy!!, you don’t understand!! She sit’s up in front by herself!” I said, “Oh! I see now…
Maybe she’s not mad maybe she is just sad, unhappy and lonely?” I said, “Try this. The next time you get on the school bus smile at her no matter what the look in Her face is! And then sit next to her and say hi… If she hits you again go back to where you were sitting before. Then you know at least you tried your best!!”
Lynzay never said another word about the School bus…
Much later during the eulogy at Lynzay’s funeral I found out that Lynzay sat with her on the bus every day… Lynzay rode the summer school bus next to Her new friend everyday from that day forward …
Lynzay and she always sat together in the lunch room together even when no one else would sit with them!
So please remember this; so that when then you see and unhappy face or some one sitting alone, smile say hi and hoping for the best trusting the rest today…
Lynzay received the “Bishop Richard J Skilba Peace Maker Award” 2006
St Lucy’s Lynzay Legois Memorial Scholarship is given each year to a Student at St. Lucy School who has been recognized to have Peacemaker like qualities by teachers and staff.
This Annual Peacemaker Award is for continuing Catholic education and the like.
Questions contact Rudee Koepke, Principal
262-554-1801 x212
Saint Lucy Catholic Church
Pastor Fr. Mark R. Jones
3101 Drexel Avenue
Racine, WI 53403
Phone: 262-554-1801
Romans 8:28 ” And we know all that happens to us is working for our good if we Love God and are fitting into his plans.”
Romans 12:12 “Be glad for all that God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble and prayerful always”
Romans 8:28 ” And we know all that happens to us is working for our good if we Love God and are fitting into his plans.”
Romans 12:12 “Be glad for all that God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble and prayerful always”