December 12th 2024

For our daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, teammate, classmate, and friend.
Lynzay was a St. Lucy’s 8th grader when she passed away in a car accident.
I made a mistake driving in the fog on highway 20 by I94 Tuesday afternoon December 12th 2006.
We hit the tail end of a semi-truck trailer, turning left in front of us. I did not see it until it was too late.
St. Lucy immediately interceded in our lives, giving us many things to do in memory of Lynzay Marie Legois.
Everything we get to do in Lynzay’s Memory started at St Lucy Parish School and soon thereafter on Browns Lake with The Browns Lake Aquaducks.
Just to name a few things as follows.
St Lucy Memorial Scholarship peacemaker award
Cheerleading and Volleyball tournaments 2007-2015
Teaching Middle school CCD since 2007
Serving on the alter at mass since 2012
Knights of Columbus since 2012
Giving free water-skiing lessons since 2007 and hosting adaptive water-skiing events since 2015
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These things are not of my own making, these things are not my idea.
I have found that the best intercessions are the ones that force me to turn my attention to others.
Lynzay had a saying written on a piece of paper taped to her bedroom wall, and it read
” No matter what the day may bring, Live Your life!”
In the days, weeks, months, and years since 12/12/2006 I found myself continually asking in Prayer what to you want from me? What would you have me do next?
Asking in prayer again and again.
The answers were always there but it took time for me to see that the best answers received came from someone else.
This is my Prayer. This is now, my new life. None of the things we do are my idea, and I know to be Glad…
Romans 8:28
“And we know all that happens to is working for our good for those who love God and are fitting His Plan”
Romans 12:12
“Be Glad for all that happens, patient in trouble, Prayerful always”
In Memory of Lynzay Marie Legois 8-28-1992 to December 12th 2006.