Archive for June, 2012

7 hours of free water ski lessons condensed in to this 16:47 min Video Please take the time to look see :)

Sunday, June 24th, 2012

Good morning baby with flowers from the show site for you Lynzay…

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Good morning baby with flowers from the show site for you Lynzay… I offer my morning Prayers of praise and strength to dispel the darkness of the night.

By the power of God bring the morning light as a lamp to guide my feet.

Help me to do my best and most of all may we all trust in the rest today… Amen amen i Pray for this each and every day…To God be the Blessing, Glory, and Honor forever and ever… Amen

Gospel Matthew 6:19-23 ©

Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Do not store up treasures for yourselves on earth, where moths and woodworms destroy them and thieves can break in and steal. But store up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where neither moth nor woodworms destroy them and thieves cannot break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
‘The lamp of the body is the eye. It follows that if your eye is sound, your whole body will be filled with light. But if your eye is diseased, your whole body will be all darkness. If then, the light inside you is darkness, what darkness that will be!’

I always do not know if my best is good enough but i will listen to what you would have me do, And with this, then i can be glad trusting in the rest today…

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

Water skiing Salom starts, beginning swivel ski and in Memory of Lynzay too :) Pony boat style June 10th 2012

Monday, June 11th, 2012

Water ski lessons always for free and for fun in Memory of Lynzay

St Lucy’s Lynzay Legois Peace maker award 2012

Friday, June 1st, 2012

And i know every thing we get to do is a gift from God, especially when trough the intercession of St Lucy.

I Pray we will not take credit for anything we do, but to God be the glory. I pray that somehow we will not make everything about us. I Pray that this too should only be for God…  This is in Memory of St Lucy’s Peace maker Lynzay Maire Legois…

Mass Readings

First reading 1 Peter 4:7-13 ©
Everything will soon come to an end, so, to pray better, keep a calm and sober mind. Above all, never let your love for each other grow insincere, since love covers over many a sin. Welcome each other into your houses without grumbling. Each one of you has received a special grace, so, like good stewards responsible for all these different graces of God, put yourselves at the service of others. If you are a speaker, speak in words which seem to come from God; if you are a helper, help as though every action was done at God’s orders; so that in everything God may receive the glory, through Jesus Christ, since to him alone belong all glory and power for ever and ever. Amen.
My dear people, you must not think it unaccountable that you should be tested by fire. There is nothing extraordinary in what has happened to you. If you can have some share in the sufferings of Christ, be glad, because you will enjoy a much greater gladness when his glory is revealed.