Water Ski lessons for free and for fun, including 3 fun days of adaptive water skiing, always In Memory of Lynzay…
Tuesday, March 1st, 2016Free Adaptive Water Skiing… “featuring the Joski Ski sit-ski :)”Three Fun Dates for 2016:July 27th, and August 17th 2 PM to 5:30 and ourGrand finally Sept 7th 2 pm till sunset with pizza party to follow all other water skiing lessons on Sunday afternoons into evenings by appointment please call to scheduled your free water ski lessonsWet suits are provided always for free and for fun in Memory of Lynzay…Wish you a Happy day and quiet nightYours Truly,Rick Legois
please compete the waver for our files for our free water ski events please find the following link http://www.usawaterski.org/graphics/downloads/InsuranceResources/SanctionedEvents/Adult-MinorAnnualMembershipWaiver.pdf
The Lynzay Legois Free Waterskiing Club Club Type: 3-Event, Kneeboard, Barefoot, Disabled, Show Ski, Wakeboard Secondary Contact Information: Denice Legois